German Course B2 Wednesday Lunch
Kursbeginn: 15 January 2025
Mittwoch, 13.05–14.05 Uhr
Deutschkurs B2
Lehrperson: Vasso Pfeifer
Kursort: Thalwil
Auf dem B2-Niveau beginnen die Schüler oft, sich ihrer Sprachkenntnisse sicher zu sein, und es macht ihnen wirklich Spass. Auf dieser Stufe gibt es noch viele neue Konzepte zu lernen, aber das Fundament ist bereits vorhanden. Die Schüler beginnen, abstrakte Ideen und eine subtilere Kommunikation in der Sprache auszudrücken.
At the B2 level, students often start to feel confident about their language skills and really enjoy it. At this level, there are still many new concepts to learn, but the foundation is already there. Students are beginning to express abstract ideas and more subtle communication in the language.
Course Details
Start: 15 January 2025
End:4 June 2025
Duration: 17 course weeks
Holidays: Sport holidays 10 – 23 February; Easter holidays 14 April-3 May; Ascension (bridge) 29-30 May, Pentecost 9 June 2025
Class size: 4 to 6 people
Course materials: Coursebooks are not included in the price
Important information: The prices are for one course term (17 weeks) and for 4 or more course participants; if there are fewer participants, the lessons will be shortened as follows: for 3 people, 13 lessons of 60 minutes each; and for 2 people, 20 lessons of 60 minutes each. You can also pay the course price in two instalments (additional fee CHF 30.-).
Course Dates
JAN | 15 | 22 | 29 | ||
FEB | 5 | 26 | |||
MAR | 5 | 12 | 19 | 26 | |
APR | 2 | 9 | 16 | ||
MAI | 7 | 14 | 21 | 28 | |
JUN | 4 |